Get Fit the Fun Way: VR games that are a workout – Start Playing Now!

Top 8 VR games that are a workout

Imagine stepping into a virtual world where you can sword fight with enemies, dodge incoming attacks like a ninja, or even play tennis against an AI opponent—all while breaking a sweat and burning calories. When we talk about VR games that are a workout and with VR technology advancing at lightning speed, now you can immerse yourself in physical activities that feel more like play than work. So grab your VR headset and get ready to level up your fitness game while having an absolute blast!

Virtual Reality Workouts: The Future of Fitness?

Picture this: sweating it out in a virtual world while burning calories without even realizing it. Yes, we’re talking about virtual reality workouts! From boxing to dancing to sword-fighting simulations, VR games are taking the fitness world by storm. Who needs a boring old treadmill when you can be dodging zombies or battling alien invaders in a galaxy far, far away? With VR workouts, the only limit is your imagination—and your stamina.

Virtual reality workouts have revolutionized the way we break a sweat, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. As tempting as it is to think that strapping on a VR headset and punching virtual zombies can’t replace the good old gym, let’s not forget the classics. Sure, VR games like Beat Saber and BoxVR can make us break a sweat, but can they recreate the sheer joy of accidentally dropping a weight on your foot in front of a room full of judgmental strangers? I think not.

Don’t get me wrong, virtual reality workouts have their perks. They’re convenient, customizable, and dare I say it—fun! But there’s something about sweating it out in a room filled with grunting gym bros and fluorescent lighting that just can’t be replicated in the virtual world. Plus, where else can you find such premium people-watching material? Virtual reality may give us some sweat, but it’ll never replace the quirks and character of our beloved old gyms.

And of course, VR games can help with the cardio exercises but for the heavy weight lifters and serious health freaks this is no replacement of traditional workouts. It is kind of a cheat day for skipping gym.

But the hopes are on with mixed reality, in near future you can get trained by a renowned trainer from the comfort of your home.

So, now lets dive in and look into our favourite picks for VR games that are a workout.

8 VR games that are a workout and Will Make You Sweat

These 8 VR games are not only fun but also offer effective ways to exercise. They cater to a variety of fitness levels and preferences, making VR workouts accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Incorporating these games into your fitness routine can provide an engaging and motivating way to stay fit and healthy.

Beat Saber

Best Meta Quest 2 Games 2023 - best among VR games that are a workout

Beat Saber a rhythm-based game is a virtual workout extravaganza. It feels like you’re in a futuristic dance off against evil red and blue blocks, armed only with a pair of light sabers and your killer moves. Trust me, one session of Beat Saber and you’ll be sweating more than a contestant on So You Think You Can Dance.

Get it here

Pistol Whip

Best VR Games 2023. Pistol whip is a proper vr fitness exercise

Ever wanted to feel like an action movie hero? Pistol Whip is your chance. Dodge bullets, take down bad guys, and dance to the beat. It’s like being in a John Wick movie, but the only thing in danger is your calorie count. Feel the rhythm and stay on your toes with Pistol Whip. This game combines rhythm-based gameplay with action-packed sequences, offering a unique cardio workout that’s as exhilarating as it is effective.

Get it here


Best vr boxing game to burn calories and have a great vr workout

BoxVR, If you’ve ever dreamed of punching your way to fitness without putting anyone in the hospital, BoxVR has got you covered. It’s like being in the ring with Rocky Balboa, except without the risk of getting hit in the face or having to deal with Eye of the Tiger on loop. I grab it first whenever i search for VR games that are a workout.

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Supernatural the unreal fitness app for meta quest 2 and quest 3

Supernatural. Who needs exotic vacations when you can have breathtaking virtual landscapes? Supernatural is your VR passport to fitness, with workouts that make you feel like you’re scaling mountains, not just your living room carpet. Supernatural offers guided workouts with professional trainers, making it suitable for those seeking structured fitness routines.

Get it Here


holopoint a fitness game for vr oculus quest

Holopoint requires quick reflexes and constant movement, perfect for those looking for a dynamic and challenging workout. Combine archery and dodging, and you’ve got Holopoint. It’s like playing a futuristic Robin Hood, where the arrows are virtual, and the only thing you’re stealing is extra calories.

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Dance Central

Dance central

Get ready to shake, shimmy, and shuffle. Dance Central turns your living room into a dance party where calories fear to tread. Bonus: No judgment for your two left feet in VR! Dance central with its diverse range of dance routines, it’s ideal for those who enjoy dance-based fitness.

Get it here

Sprint Vector

Sweat it up with the ultimate fitness game for virtual reality Sprint Vector

Its competitive nature and fast-paced gameplay appeal to those who enjoy adrenaline-fueled workouts. Imagine Mario Kart on your feet, but with more sweating. Sprint Vector has you racing through zany tracks, pumping your arms to sprint like you’re chasing the ice cream truck. It’s cardio, but with imaginary rocket boosters! one of my personal favourite among the VR games that are a workout.

Get it here

Thrill of the Fight

Best vr boxing game - which also is best VR games that are a workout

Thrill of the FIght is for those who want an adrenaline rush along with their cardio fix, Thrill of the Fight puts you toe-to-toe with some seriously intense opponents. Just make sure to clear some space before you start flailing around – we don’t need any real-life run-ins with lamps or unsuspecting family members!

Get it here

So there we have it, folks! These VR games that are a workout will have you sweating like a pig in no time – just make sure to clear some space before starting or risk crashing into something less squishy than yourself!

How to Maximize Your Workout with VR Games

  1. Choose the Right Game for Your Goals: Match the game’s intensity and style with your fitness objectives.
  2. Set Up a Safe Space: Ensure ample room to move without obstructions.
  3. Track Your Progress: Use in-game tracking or external apps to monitor your fitness journey.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Keep water nearby and take regular breaks.
  5. Combine with Traditional Workouts: Mix VR games with your regular exercise regimen for variety.


Final Thoughts: Laughing Burns Calories Too!

Remember, the best workout is the one you enjoy. These 8 VR games that are a workout are here to make sure fitness feels less like a chore and more like a party. So strap on your VR headset, let loose, and remember: laughing burns calories too! if thats not enough than grab these VR games that are a workout.

In conclusion

The world of virtual reality gaming offers an exhilarating escape from the monotony of everyday life. Whether you’re slashing through foes with a virtual sword or perfecting your backhand on a digital tennis court, the possibilities for entertainment and exercise are endless. So, if you are too lazy to go to gym or lift weights than say hello to a whole new level of fun and fitness! It’s time to grab those VR goggles and get ready to sweat while having a blast in your very own virtual playground. Let’s make burning calories as enjoyable as possible – it’s time to level up our workout game in style!

1 thought on “Get Fit the Fun Way: VR games that are a workout – Start Playing Now!”

  1. Pingback: Top 10 Comfortable VR games to play in bed - The Ultimate VR Games

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